Top 100 Players with Highest Impact Blocking Attribute

Madden NFL 25

List of Current Players with the Highest Impact Blocking Attribute on Madden NFL 25

Below is the list of Top 100 NFL players with the Highest Impact Blocking Attribute Rating on Madden NFL 25.

1.99 992,169
2.97 922,037
3.96 962,198
4.96 902,031
5.95 973,160
6.95 952,160
7.95 772,432
8.95 692,048
9.94 902,633
10.93 942,085
11.93 942,084
12.93 882,115
13.93 792,165
14.93 792,265
15.93 701,903
16.92 912,025
17.92 892,599
18.92 882,187
19.92 812,025
20.92 802,317
21.92 772,567
22.91 932,072
23.91 912,051
24.91 841,963
25.91 842,347
26.91 812,164
27.91 812,336
28.91 801,934
29.91 782,314
30.91 761,890
31.90 972,308
32.90 952,084
33.90 902,760
34.90 881,957
35.90 872,035
36.90 862,433
37.90 852,034
38.90 842,056
39.90 782,139
40.90 782,566
41.90 732,068
42.90 702,107
43.89 922,363
44.89 902,063
45.89 881,925
46.89 882,250
47.89 872,208
48.89 872,055
49.89 852,034
50.89 842,585
51.89 831,997
52.89 831,937
53.89 812,503
54.89 812,001
55.89 812,291
56.89 801,896
57.89 772,073
58.89 762,186
59.89 732,183
60.89 661,951
61.88 972,384
62.88 932,288
63.88 932,057
64.88 922,045
65.88 882,886
66.88 872,405
67.88 861,987
68.88 862,690
69.88 852,254
70.88 832,221
71.88 832,334
72.88 832,788
73.88 832,325
74.88 822,376
75.88 821,951
76.88 822,198
77.88 791,943
78.88 771,920
79.88 752,246
80.88 752,129
81.88 712,035
82.88 652,279
83.87 982,746
84.87 902,694
85.87 882,575
86.87 872,065
87.87 842,894
88.87 831,937
89.87 832,399
90.87 831,979
91.87 821,935
92.87 812,047
93.87 812,087
94.87 802,094
95.87 792,234
96.87 792,131
97.87 792,686
98.87 782,074
99.87 782,245
100.87 782,320