Top 100 Players with Highest Man Coverage Attribute

Madden NFL 25

List of Current Players with the Highest Man Coverage Attribute on Madden NFL 25

Below is the list of Top 100 NFL players with the Highest Man Coverage Attribute Rating on Madden NFL 25.

1.98 972,815
2.96 942,804
3.95 942,666
4.95 912,681
5.94 952,988
6.93 932,755
7.93 932,937
8.93 912,708
9.90 902,771
10.88 892,674
11.88 892,683
12.88 882,779
13.88 882,712
14.88 872,627
15.88 862,824
16.87 882,635
17.87 862,740
18.87 852,576
19.87 852,759
20.86 962,792
21.85 903,061
22.85 892,898
23.85 872,804
24.85 822,691
25.84 892,976
26.84 872,764
27.83 852,814
28.83 832,885
29.82 932,985
30.82 922,840
31.82 862,643
32.82 853,055
33.82 852,658
34.82 832,745
35.82 832,638
36.82 832,848
37.82 812,550
38.81 842,582
39.81 822,668
40.81 822,624
41.81 812,583
42.81 792,656
43.81 792,673
44.81 782,475
45.81 782,868
46.80 933,007
47.80 922,688
48.80 912,932
49.80 842,651
50.80 802,742
51.80 792,694
52.79 872,815
53.79 802,608
54.79 772,769
55.79 772,644
56.79 752,623
57.78 892,668
58.78 832,740
59.78 792,590
60.78 782,699
61.78 782,708
62.78 782,493
63.78 772,391
64.78 772,443
65.78 752,726
66.78 752,617
67.77 972,739
68.77 882,845
69.77 822,727
70.77 812,763
71.77 772,713
72.77 772,668
73.77 762,492
74.77 762,361
75.77 762,670
76.76 872,734
77.76 863,107
78.76 862,662
79.76 862,730
80.76 842,922
81.76 833,326
82.76 822,698
83.76 812,609
84.76 802,895
85.76 792,504
86.76 792,673
87.76 792,518
88.76 772,658
89.76 762,637
90.76 762,471
91.76 752,510
92.76 752,806
93.76 732,551
94.75 852,656
95.75 812,904
96.75 802,634
97.75 772,829
98.75 752,476
99.75 742,514
100.75 732,625